Bodymind Science provides simple, powerful tools that show you how to resolve stress and trauma. We provide relevant and timely information to help individuals and families achieve high-level health, well-being, and personal effectiveness.
Our Latest Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Taking a public health perspective on COVID-19, we proposed a likely mechanism that may explain why Vitamin D Deficiency and Air Pollution impact severity of the illness. The increased risks of COVID-19 in African Americans, other people of color, and in other high risk groups is discussed.
Open access. You can download our COVID-19 paper for FREE by clicking here.
Vitamin D Deficiency and Air Pollution Exacerbate COVID-19 Through Supression of Antiviral Peptide LL37
A paper describing the use of Somatic (Bodymind) methods for anxiety in a child with Autism.
Open access. You can download this paper for FREE by clicking HERE.

And here is a free sample of the videos we have developed to teach adults. This is just one example of the many ways we can convey the Bodymind Practices.
As you watch the clip, notice how your body responds. Can you feel yourself wanting to move? Can you feel quiet sensations of lightness or peace? If so, the state of your nervous system is shifting! It will shift even more if you move along with the practice. Try it on your own, or share it with a loved one, whenever you feel stressed.
Meet the team: Dr. Mardi Crane-Godreau and Peter Payne
Our team brings skills sets and experience in microbiology, neuroscience, somatic education and therapy, clinical trials and communications.
Through this site, our apps, educational materials and continuing involvement in research, we provide tools to improve your health and well-being. An important aspect of our outreach is to help indiviuals strengthen relationships and undo the effects of toxic stress and trauma.