Vitamina D, ¿por qué tanta confusión?
Durante los últimos meses, se han publicado varios artículos revisados por pares sobre el papel que se cree que desempeña la vitamina D en la reducción de la morbilidad y la mortalidad asociadas con las infecciones virales COVID-19. A medida que se acerca el...

La deficiencia de vitamina D y la contaminación del aire exacerban el COVID-19 mediante la supresión del péptido antiviral LL37
Front. Public Health, 28 May 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00232 La deficiencia e insuficiencia de vitamina D (VDD) son ampliamente reconocidos como factores de riesgo de infecciones del tracto respiratorio. La vitamina D influye en la...

Vitamin D Deficiency and Air Pollution Exacerbate COVID-19 Through Suppression of Antiviral Peptide LL37
Front. Public Health, 28 May 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00232 Mardi A. Crane-Godreau1,2*, Kathleen J. Clem3, Peter Payne1,2 and Steven Fiering1 1Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Lebanon, NH, United...

Innate Immunity: The body’s first response to microbial challenges.
Innate immunity in the context of COVID-19 This post is an adapted excerpt from our recent paper published in Frontiers in Public Health. Download the full article freely here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00232/full Mammals have...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Update 6 June, 2020 Contact: ...

Vitamin D: What’s all the fuss?
Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD Over the last several months a number of peer reviewed papers have been published about the role that vitamin D is believed to play in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19 viral infections. As winter approaches in the...
Movement as the language of emotion: Why Moving Meditations make sense.
…The brain communicates on two main levels: the instinctive-emotional-movement level, and the rational-verbal level. Guess which level kids operate on, especially those with challenges? It should be no surprise that they operate on the instinctive-emotional-movement level. The language of the instinctive part of the brain is movement and sensation!
Moving Meditations: a stress reduction tool for families with autism
From BodyMind Science Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD Experts agree that stress and anxiety are common challenges for families with autism. Stress is linked to many health issues that can create roadblocks to leaning and well-being. Aware of this issue, we've...

Bullying: Anatomy of the Bully
Recently, I’ve been on a deep dive into expert opinions on bullying, its causes, effects and methods. Fortunately, there is consensus on a number of points, irrespective of whether the bullying is associated with schools, workplace or larger social groups.
Remembering Women Veterans
I recall being focused on a butterfly that had just landed on a nearby plant. The butterfly paused revealing crisp black and yellow stripes and spots. Its wings slowly opened and closed as it tested a flower for nectar. Overhead, the drone of a prop aircraft...