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Resilient First Responders: Flourishing Under Challenge

Why do some people flourish in the face stress? I’d like to share some insights from our studies of flight attendant health.   One study’s objective was to determine if a ‘meditative movement’ training could change the health of our study volunteers.  This training involved teaching awareness of internal bodily sensations …

Morning Coffee: Bodymind Training

'Morning Coffee' integrates practice into an activity of everyday living.  The bedroom window is open just enough to carry a breath of the morning breeze and the racket of birds competing for mates and territory. Hands and arms escape the...

What Am I Doing Here?

All my life I have been fascinated by the Bodymind arts. I started when I was 11 with Judo. I was living in Geneva at the time, and as a precociously intelligent and bookish child, I was picked on at school. My half-brother Kenny, 10 years older than me,...

1) Why “bodymind”?

Introduction Bodymind practices (also termed "somatic" practices) are therapeutic and educational methods based on the recognition that "body" and "mind" are not two separate things. This is NOT the same as saying that body and mind influence each other. The bodymind...

Mardi Crane-Godreau

Mardi Crane-Godreau is a dynamic thought leader who has gathered like-minded scholars into collaborations, research and initiatives in fields ranging from immunology and somatic practices to climate science education and communications.  She has served as...

Peter Payne

Peter Payne is a researcher, teacher, and somatic educator/therapist, who has devoted his career to healing stress and trauma from the combined perspectives of neuroscience and traditional Asian bodymind disciplines. Peter is co-investigator of Flight Attendant Health...

Carole Gaudet

Carole Gaudet Carole brings broad and deep experience to her role as Program Manager for Bodymind Science. She is a lawyer as well as a seasoned communications and marketing professional with experience in clean energy, clean tech, sustainability, social impact, and...